Lean Sales

Utilise you hidden sales potential

Lean Sales consists of challenging and optimising every process in and around sales.

Lean Sales answers the following questions:


  • Why do customers buy from us? What customer problems do we solve?
  • What value or benefit do customer get from our products/services?
  • Is sales seen as a process or an “art”?
  • How many interfaces does our process have? Are all of them necessary?
  • How do we visualise the process?
  • What standards do we use?
  • How can we generate more customer contacts?
  • How can we increase customer loyalty? Do we have the optimal organisational structure?
  • How is sales managed? Do we have the right incentives?
  • Which distribution channels do we use?

Higher turnover is achieved through higher volume and better productivity:


More turnover = Volume x Productivity



  • Volume = more contacts, better quality contacts, more contacts per salesperson, sufficient salespeople to manage all contacts.
  • Productivity = Better qualified salespeople, better hit rate, the right customer contact with the right salesperson, evaluation of why orders are lost.