Interim Management combined with Lean Expertise

Interim Management of variable duration

All our interim managers have many years of management experience in industry and comprehensive knowledge of Lean. They are therefore predestined to initiate and successful implement necessary change processes.

Lean experience is the key factor for success. Continuous and consequent process optimisation is the recipe to ensure competitiveness in a difficult economic environment.


Our spectrum of competence covers:


  • Managing Director
  • Production Manager
  • Development, Engineering, Design manager
  • Maintenance, Industrial Engineering Manager
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Logistics Manager
  • HR Manager
  • Quality Manager
  • Lean Manager


We offer Interim-Management of variable duration from one to several months, working 60-100% depending upon your requirements.

Customer Statement Mercedes-Benz Ludwigsfelde GmbH

Werner Haas, Senior Manager, Mercedes-Benz Ludwigsfelde GmbH


“For Daimler AG in Spain, Wertfabrik’s expert Martin Schröder, led a task force for three months at a cable harnesses supplier in Tunisia. This achieved the required ramp up in quantity for just in time delivery to the Spanish plant for the launch of the Mercedes-Benz V class.

Processes were stabilised and the daily increased demand satisfied by introducing an effective Shop floor Management.  Quality. Logistic processes, control and planning were significantly improved in ten different production departments.


Mr Schröder understood that supervision would recognise problems quickly by the introduction of frequent regular meetings and so be able to define priorities and actions to avoid threats to deliveries and solve issues both quickly and permanently. Cooperation and effectiveness of supervision was massively improved.”

Customer Statement Burckhardt Compression AG

Rainer Dübi, Vice President Design & Manufacturing, Burckhardt Compression AG, Winterthur


“Thanks to Wertfabrik and their Senior Consultant/Interim Manager Martin Schröder we were able to fill the vacant management positions of Logistics and Test manager, with a professional and competent replacement for a period of 20 months in 2013. This enabled not only daily business but also Lean projects to be implemented and continue.

This enable us to reach our business and project objectives on time and to our complete satisfaction. We are pleased to recommend Wertfabrik as a partner for Lean and Interim Management.”

Customer Statement METTLER TOLEDO AG

Thomas Müller, General Manager Global Electronics, METTLER TOLEDO AG, Nänikon


Werfabrik’s Markus Fusco took on the role of temporary Manager of Electronic Manufacture in a phase of change in the Global Business Area Electronics at METTLER TOLEDO. Mr Fusco’s was able to significantly improve the internal communication structures within only a few weeks with a very professional fact orientated approach, which at the same time fully appreciated the contribution of others.

His excellent professional competence as a Lean Expert and comprehensive experience in the electronics branch, combined with strong leadership skills were key to our success.  The successfully implemented Lean projects:  Shop floor Management, employee improvement proposals (Employee CI), value stream analysis and the design of work stations according to 5S principles have set the basis for our envisaged future improvements.”